…available exclusively through CDS!
No other Background Screening provider can match CDS One Search's instant coverage of the United States. CDS One Search is a database of OVER 400 Million PREVIOUS CRIMINAL RECORD SEARCHES and is our most popular database search!
CDS One Search obtains records from:
County Courts Data
The Department of Corrections (DOC)
Administration of the Court (AOC)
State Sex Offender Registries
National & International Terrorism Sources
Over 5 million photos
CDS’ Confidential, Proprietary Database of Previously Completed Reports
CDS One Search gives you instant results on searches with no “hits”. Hits automatically generate County or State criminal searches to verify accuracy and obtain detailed information within 24-72 hours.
CDS One Search is a tremendous value and online ordering and reporting capabilities makes CDS One Search fast and easy. Contact us today for personal assistance.
Single-State and Multi-State search options are also available.